Class S119

Livestock Sheep


SECTION STEWARDS:    Mr. Graeme Collins Ph: 0408 510 327
                                           Mr. Robert Mitchell Ph: 0416 068 082
PRIZES:                            First:         Ribbon
                                          Second:    Ribbon
                                          Third:        Ribbon
                                          (Unless otherwise specified)
PRIZE MONEY:                Champion Ram and Ewe of each Breed                 $10.00
                                          Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe of each Breed    $5.00
2.    Exhibitors are required to complete a National Health declaration on the health status of animals participating in shows as part of showground biosecurity and the management of animal health. National Health Statement Declaration Form available on the website Farm Biosecurity - National Health Declaration .Exhibitors National Health Declaration must accompany entries.
3.    All sheep must be NLIS tagged
4.    The same animal cannot compete in two classes unless the second section is named a Special Class.
5.    Sheep in Shorn Classes to be shorn not earlier than 1st August 2024.
6.    All Sheep must be penned by 9am Friday 25th October 2024 and are to remain on exhibition until 5pm Saturday 26th October 2024.
7.    Judging of breeds will commencing at 9.30am on Saturday, 26th October. Some breeds may be judged Friday afternoon but will be notified in advance. Feature Breed - Shropshire judging will commence at 4.00pm pm Friday 25th October.
8.    British Breed classes are restricted to animals bred in a registered flock and exhibited by members of the Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association. 
9.    All exhibitors when presenting animals for judging must be smartly and appropriately attired.
10.  No stud names or promotional information is to be work nor advertised on exhibitor gear (e.g. head stalls).
11.  Exhibitors to provide their own fee and water tins.

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Black & Coloured

The Black & Colored Sheep Breeder’s Association of Australia Regulations:
1.     All sheep entered must be the bona fide property of a registered member of the Black & Colored Sheep Breeder’s Association of Australia Vic Inc or other affiliated Association.
2.     All sheep to have no more than 12 months’ growth or less than 5cm growth of wool.
3.     Ovine Brucellosis.  All rams exhibited over 6 months of age must be from an accredited free flock, or have a current veterinary certificate proving negative to both manual and examination and blood test.
4.     No sheep will be allowed to compete if infected with foot rot or any external parasite.
5.     Sheep Entered in lamb classes must have all milk teeth in place. Lambs are not eligible for Championships.
6.     The onus is on the exhibitor to ensure sheep are entered in the correct class. 
7.     Judging will commence at 10.00am on Saturday, 28th October

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Class S119: Lamb Classes - Ram Lamb, 48's and Stronger

Prize - Prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd - Ribbon.

Entry Fee: $20.00 Location: Exhibition Centre (#22) Class Closed Prizes: 1st - RibbonFirst Prize